Cosaji Tea Pot & Small Tea Cups Set (Green)


A charming tea-set made of porcelain from Gifu Prefecture. Its subtle and understated design blends well with a quiet time in your daily life. Enjoy a cup of warm tea to refresh and rejuvenate. Available in other shades of pastel. For more story about Miyama, visit our Japanese crafts online media at Kogei Standard.

Area: Mizunami, Gifu Prefecture
Brand: Miyama
Material: Porcelain
Size: Pot φ150 × H90mm × 158mm (spout to handle) , Cup φ75 x H55mm
Capacity: Pot 220ml, Cup 80ml
This product comes with its original box.

由岐阜縣瓷器製成的迷人茶具。 其微妙而低調的設計與您日常生活中的安靜時光完美融合。 享用一杯溫茶,提神醒腦,恢復活力。 有其他柔和色調可供選擇。 有關 Miyama 的更多故事,請造訪我們的日本工藝線上媒體 Kogei Standard。

品牌: 美山
材質: 瓷器
尺寸:φ150 × H90mm x 158mm (壺咀至手柄),杯φ75×H55mm

Brand: Miyama
A porcelain manufacturer from Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture. Specializing in the slip casting technique, they produce a wide range of tablewares in both Western and Japanese styles.

品牌: 深山
岐阜縣瑞浪市的瓷器製造商。 他們專注於粉漿鑄造技術,生產各種西式和日式餐具。

Instructions for use
To use this product safely and comfortably, please follow the instructions below:
- Wash before first use with water or warm water.
- This item is dishwasher & microwave friendly, however please refrain from putting it in an overloaded dishwasher.
- Do not use in oven or on an open fire.
- Clean the product with a non-abrasive, soft scouring pad.
- For your safety, do not use any item that is chipped or cracked.

- 首次使用前用水或溫水清洗。
- 本產品適用於洗碗機和微波爐,但請勿放入超載的洗碗機中。
- 請勿在烤箱或明火上使用。
- 使用非研磨性的柔軟百潔布清潔產品。
- 為了您的安全,請勿使用任何有缺口或裂痕的物品。

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